Saturday, July 22, 2006


Am I the only one who's really excited about The Science of Sleep?

Because I shouldn't be, if I am.

In other news, it is close to 100 here in the daytime. And my family is at the boat all week while I work, which sounds worse than it is.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

yadda yadda yadda

Ok, I didn't want this to into something that should probably be titled "Walt Bitches About Stuff & Occasionally Makes a Snide Remark", but I've been working for most of this week and will be working for a good portion of next week, so it's going to for now at least. Like crappy B-sides this entry shall be marked "For Completeists Only."
At work, we have a little list of rules for the books we take in. I know I've mentioned them before, but here they are again, in Handy List format:
1. Have fewer than the maximum amount of the title
2. Not be in crappy condition
3. Not too old; if a Romance, or a cook book, or something we haven't had in before
4. Not a textbook or a magazine
Those are easy enough to follow, which leads us to my first complaint. For the love of all that is holy, why did the owner replace two excellent with two people who have absolutely no experience. In bookstores, I could see. Using the cash register, I can see that too; I didn't have either of those when I started. But I mean No Experience. With retail or retail-related fields. With basic motor functions. With not taking in third and forth copies. New Hiree #1, whom I will call "Gail" because that is her name, I have the most problems with. Why? Because she is as to making things easy as a cyclone is to keeping things neat. I could write pages about that, but I don't want to because I would end up in a corner weeping. Just take my word. I know she can't help looking almost constantly confused or like the last bulb has just blown or those gawdawful pigtails. You're late forties/early fifties. Stop with the pigtails. And what's with wearing aprons? The books rarely explode and only occasionally secrete poisonous substances. Unless those shirts are really expensive. Then why are you wearing those shirts?

Ok, done with that.

New Hiree #2 "Jo", because it is easier/faster to spell than Barbara, has the same deer-in-headlights look as Gail. She also is a closer. Which means that I don't have to. But it doesn't help when I have to go and help her close. Which is, of course, directly related to Gail's muck ups. Oh well, except for easily-freakout-ability which seems to be very In right now, I don't have much of a problem with her.
Now, it's time for my Handy List of How to Get More Books Taken for Credit, as created and used by Walt:
1. Do not, ever, ever come in with a huge box of books less than a half-hour before closing
2. If you are annoying or walk away while I'm looking up a book you wanted to know about, don't even bring books in an hour before closing
3. Because then you are an ass
4. If you are Guy Who Acts Like We Are Buddies But We Totally Aren't, Guy Who Brings In Books Two Minutes Before We Close, Guy Who Brings Books Ten Minutes After We Close And Then Knocks On The Door Until I Ask You What You Want And Then Tells Me A Sob Story, Woman Who Smells Strongly Of Onions, or Guy Who Sits In The Chair And Orders His Daughter(s) Around And Me Too To Get Books Even If I Am Clearly Very Busy Or If The Books Are Right Downstairs Go Down There And Get Them Your Damn Self Or At Least Pretend To Be Polite, I will take as few of your books as humanly possible
5. If you complain about the price, I will stab you. In my mind. If you have a history of complaining you get less than 10% of my attention. Because the rest of my mind is thinking about stabbing or something far less violent, like how long it is until we close or what to get for lunch
6. I lied, the other less than 10% is not paying attention, I'm either thinking about how long until we close or what to get for lunch. Or stabbing
7. Ok, you can bring in a big box of Romances if we've had them in before and I don't have to enter them in the computer. Because those things are hilarious

I'm done with that, and I solemnly swear that I won't talk about work again unless it is a humorous story. If you actually read through this whole thing, I will bake you cookies or something.