When I was younger and when I would go to my cousins's house in Montana we made movies. I remember our first one was about our stuffed animals (a walrus whose stomach had melted into rock-hard abs named Chester and a velveteen rabbit named, well, Velveteen) who fought crime. They could fly, I seem to recall. But their main intent was crime and fighting it. As far as I know, this movie is now lost to the mists of time.
Over the years we became more ambitious, although fewer and fewer projects were seen all the way through. Part of this had to do with the fact we usually only had a week or half a week to film them and the other part was because we didn't have the technology to make a full-scale velociraptor. Also, it got harder and harder to talk everyone into working on them. Such is life.
But about four years ago we decided to make another one. No script. Filmed in order. No editing. The music would be supplied by a CD player and a pair of headphones perched atop the camera. The result was Wrinkled Wrath, the story of an old man who just wants to be left alone. The only editing is the brief instance of slow motion. Oh, is it worth it.
The old man is played by my cousin Kyle, my most frequent collaborator (who do you think moved Chester's string?) and was the person I could always count on to want to film with me. Red-headed kid is my little brother Evan. And Blonde kid is my cousin Kevin. They did it because, hey, their older brothers were doing it. James, who is older than both Kyle and I, and Joel, who is my sister's age, sat this one out. I think James was at Basic Training? Joel, I'm pretty sure, didn't have an excuse.
I really hope this is half as funny to you guys as it is to me (I'm pretty sure half of you have seen it, but it's worth another look, I think).
Wrinkled Wrath (29mb)