Tuesday, December 09, 2008

in which i say nothing (but freak out a little)

It is becoming increasingly apparent I will probably most possibly, that is to say "definitely," be graduating from COLLEGE in like, six months. WTF. I have, however, seen the other side in my friend Ben. He graduated last year and recently got a job directly because of his degree (Computer Science, I believe) and has not yet burst into flames. This is comforting to me. He's engaged to his girlfriend, which I just remembered. This is less comforting because it reveals one thing about this period in our lives which I had been hoping to ignore for a while longer: Real Life presses upon us.

I knew Ben back when he was singing about pigeons on a bagel being spread like butter during a down time while we were filming P.I. (an entirely different story altogether). Granted, I also knew David Forsythe back when he was just a little kid with a broken arm and he's now been married for a year or so, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised re: Real Life. These things happen. It's just weird.

Also: I'm going to need to get some health insurance when I graduate. Gah.

WTF, man. WTF.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I am so with you. The Real World™ is totally scary.