Thursday, March 23, 2006

oh noes!

Well, it's finally happened. I think I might have some sort of illness. As today is the first day of my Spring Break 2006 and I get to work for six hours this evening, that's just great. Nothing makes idiotic customers with their demands easier to deal with than what feels like a temperature and what threatens to be a terrible hacking cough.
I drank a Cherry Coke given to me in a dorm yesterday. That must be it. I get an illness for hanging out with people.



Walt said...

I had some AirBorne and now I feel better. I would have Emergen-C, except we do not have any in the house.

The Emergen-C people should use "Emergen-C: It's the way to be for dorm disease!" for their slogan because it rocks.

Walt said...

Fine fine fine. But next time, I'll wash off the top. Except they don't have sinks in their rooms. Gah.

And, yeah, I think it's a preventive thing. You win.