Monday, July 02, 2007

i hope your workplace still has air conditioning because mine sure doesn't

Hey, guess what. That's right. My website is more or less up and running. I've still got a couple of links to fix, but it's usable.

Let me know what you think or if you have any problems.


Unknown said...

Mine sure does. My boss actually had it programmed to be 68 degrees and we can't change it without calling the guy because the knob is BEHIND A WALL.

I had to buy a new jacket just so I could work there.

Tricky bitch.

Walt said...

Wow, that is temperature DEDICATION. Ours actually got fixed earlier this week, which is good because it got to be close to, if not over, 100 degrees here.

Unknown said...

It was 116 last week here. I do not even want to hear it.

Walt said...

You win.

Mary said...

my workplace is also very cold because my boss's favorite memory of his childhood is walking into his grandfather's house (which was kept at 65 degrees)and feeling the whoosh of cold air.