Saturday, December 15, 2007

it will be too late by the time we learn what these cryptic symbols mean

I saw No Country for Old Men today. If you want a movie that watches like a book, this is your movie. I liked it, and the more I think about it the more I like it. The Coens do some brilliant stuff that I realized only after I had thought about it for a little while. It's not nearly as action-y as the trailer would suggest, and it's not as bloody as some reviews I've read paint it (though there is blood), but there are some good action scenes. So yeah. I'd definitely see it again.

In other news, I'm once again redoing the website to make it less of a pain to update (which, in theory, means I'll be updating it more often. Because I haven't. Because it's a pain. Stupid host not supporting php.) and that should be done in the next couple of days.

Finally, did I ever send any of you a snippet of a story wherein I describe the change from summer to autumn in about half of a page? I thought I typed and saved it, but I can't find it and I can't seem to rewrite it. This would be at least a month ago. I know I'm reaching.

Christmas break! Woo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw that movie with my Dad. It scared the living love out of me.

And, no to the story...