Tuesday, June 09, 2009

in which i don't say much and still manage to freak out a smidge

It has been more than two months since I posted! Unfortunately, not much that is not boring has happened in my boring life! My computer is still giving me issues. I am graduating on Saturday, which is madness made flesh. My muffler fell off today because Spokane has the World's Worst Roads^tm and I made the mistake of driving on the right side of the road last night immediately before my driveway. These are the annoyances which compose my life. I wish they could produce Hilarious Anecdotes instead of Boring Sentences?

I am probably possibly maybe going to be moving forward with Top Secret Project: Micro-Press in the late fall/winter. I am considering moving for it, but have not yet decided. It is a big life-changing kind of thing to take on! Or at least it seems that way. I would like to do it not alone but have not ruled out doing it by myself. Interested parties may apply in the comments.

I was thinking: Tilt Shift Press: Publishers of Fine Poetry and Short Fiction Since 2009.

Except for at least the first year it would just be poetry.

And I still have to think of a title for the contest which is not ridiculous. The Agh! Poetry! Award for Poetry lacks gravitas. Suggestions? Comments!

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