Wednesday, April 12, 2006

mr cent, i presume?

For those of you who haven't heard, and as far as I know I have two readers (Hi!) and they both know, I am going to be in the Samuel L Jackson movie this Saturday. I play both "person walking by camera" and "misc patient" showing the wide range of emotion that I'm capable of. (If you'd prefer: ...the wide range of emotion of which I am capable.)
Alas, the Samuel L scenes were shot last week, and so he probably won't be there. But apparently 50 "Fiddy Cent" Cent commits suicide at the end of the movie and that's the scene I'll be in.
You read correctly. I'll be in a scene with Fiddy (as I call him, maybe it'll catch on).
That's just how I roll.

I will have my laptop with me in the Holding Room for DVD watching, but if there is internet access in the hospital I'll update the ol' blog as the day progresses. If there is no internet access, I'll be sure to post that evening. There might even be pictures!

Ps. Does anyone else find it funny that the Blogger Spellcheck says "blog" is not a word?

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