Friday, April 28, 2006


I have no words for how little I enjoy my classes this quarter.

This excludes, for the most part, my poetry class, because I like the teacher. But I loathe the girl who sits in front and asks stupid questions and makes inane comments that are barely connected to the topic if they are connected at all. And her giggling! Every time she does that uheehuh I shudder. And she does it at the end of almost every sentence and just as often during her sentences. I could do without her.

I have skipped three of my fiction classes. In high school I skipped one class in the four years and when I did, I felt terrible. This is the distaste I have for it.

And the teacher's hair! is so bad!

The biology "textbook" does not answer any of the questions for the prelab. The video we watched in class, which was supposed to answer them as well, seemed to have been taped off the television and there were jumps in it, so the narrator would gear up for an answer and t--e'd have moved past it.

I mean, Heart is not listed in the index, but Covalent Bond is. Come on, people. Give me a break.

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